Management Phd Applications must be completed online in English.
-All materials must be submitted together.
-Your application will not be sent until you press the Submit button. After you submit, you will receive e-mails notifying you that your application has been received.
- Once submitted, no changes are allowed. This is a good idea to print a copy of your application before you submit. -Attachments can not exceed 4 MB.
Open Scholarship for International Students: None
Scholarship Description: a quiet setting for work focused. A Management Phd place to connect with a dynamic innovators from around the world. A multi-sectoral community is committed to solving the biggest challenges facing our world. The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, through conferences and residency programs, support the work of scholars, artists, thought leaders, policy makers and practitioners who share a mission to pioneer the Foundation Center has a record of "improving the welfare of mankind." big impact, from the meeting that led to the Green Revolution and the Global AIDS vaccine initiative, for residency who work furthered Michael Ondaatje in The English Patient and choreography Bill T. Jones'. This Management Phd heritage, quiet working environment on the shores of Lake Como in northern Italy, a diverse group of people, and the promise of future achievement Bellagio create an inspiring and productive forum to encourage positive change.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: December 1, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Minggu, 29 Mei 2011
Senin, 23 Mei 2011
Postdoctoral Position Management Phd in Geometric Reconstruction of Micro-sensors

The Management Phd purpose of this proposal post-doc is to generalize the use of these sensors in more complex geometric reconstruction problems.
Each of these sensors provide access to the orientation (ie normal direction) from the surface of which has been placed, but does not provide information about absolute position. The first Management Phd objective is to decide concrete cases where a limited number of measurements is possible to reconstruct an approximation of the underlying surface. This means imposing restrictions on both surfaces that are considered families as well as on how they should be sampled. Family types could be considered for convex surfaces, developable surfaces or small deformation of the surface are known, etc. The Management Phd second objective is to propose and to implement reconstruction algorithms.
Candidates who successfully obtained a PhD degree in computer science, and have expertise in geometry processing, computational geometry, geometric modeling or in the near field. Interest in algorithms and implementation is a big plus. This position is for one year, and could start between September and December 2011.
More information about the position:
Quentin.Merigot [at]
Luc.Biard [at]
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011
Research Positions Management Phd at Wildlife Institute

The WII Management Phd want to get involved research staff 09 [01 - Senior Research Fellow (SRF), 06-Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) and 02 - Technical Assistant (TA)] through an interview-walk-on Monday, May 23, 2011. Age of candidates not more than 28 years for JRF and TA positions advertised and 32 years as on 20 May 2011 for the position advertised SRF. Upper age limit for SRF / JRF / TA can be relaxed up to 5 years, as in the case of candidates belong to SC / / ST OBC / Women and the physically handicapped category.
Management Phd Selected-candidate for the position of Junior Research Fellow will receive a consolidated honorarium of Rs. 12,000 / - per month. In the case of candidates who qualified NET (UGC / CSIR) for Research Fellows, selected JRF consolidation will be paid honorarium of Rs. 16,000 / - per month and in case of qualified NET (UGC / CSIR) candidates with PG Professional Degree, he will be paid consolidated honorarium of Rs. 18,000 / - per month as fellowship.
-The number of scholarships to selected Senior Research Fellow is Rs. 14,000 / - Consolidated per month and Rs. 18,000 / - in case of candidates who qualified NET (s) for Research Fellows (UGC / CSIR).
-The number of scholarships to selected Technical Assistants is Rs. 9600 / - Consolidated per month and Rs. 12,700 / - in case of candidates who qualified NET (s) for Research Fellows (UGC / CSIR).
Management Phd Candidate selected may be allowed-hostel accommodation at the institute, according to availability. Where hostel accommodation is not possible, house rent allowance (HRA) will be paid in accordance with the rules of the Institute subject to the condition that HRA paid, in any case, would be more than the level of debt to the Central Govt. / WII Employee (s) in the area. other allowances and benefits for research personnel will be accepted in accordance with the rules of the Institute, amended from time to time.
-Selection of candidates will be based on Walk-in-Interview will be held on Monday, May 23, 2011 at the Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun. Registration will begin by 09:00 and so on.
-Canvassing in any form is subject to rejection of the nomination.
-Candidates should bring duly filled-in applications with proven true copies of testimonials of educational qualifications, research experience, extracurricular activities, date of birth etc., along with copies of mark sheets of all exams. All original documents must be produced at the time of registration.
-Candidate A will be allowed to submit duly filled in application to only one position being advertised. Management Phd Applications without attachments and / or incomplete in any respect subject to rejection.
Scholarship Application Deadline: May 23, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
PhD Studentship Management Phd

The aim of the Management Phd project is to develop mechanisms and evaluate the privacy issues and security for decentralized social networks in particular and for personal communications provider-independent in general.This is four years, the time limited and usually covers 20% of departmental duties, usually taught . Research / doctoral students must be enrolled at KTH. Start date is open for discussion, though ideally we want the successful candidate to start as soon as possible.The Management Phd applicant is expected to have a strong background and interest in computer science, including subjects such as networking, distributed systems, security, and game theory.
Application Deadline:
Deadline for application is June 15, 2011
Further details:
For more information about these scholarships please visit the link below.
Senin, 02 Mei 2011
EPSRC Fellowships in Manufacturing Management PhD

The Management PhD goal is a maximum of five years of support for candidates who not only provide a suitable background, but can also use their vision to use their industrial experience, their management of future research to be informed.
To apply for a grant EPSRC in production, you should have the potential to define a leader of international research with the ability to research and programs that could potentially impact the process of manufacturing has become by the end of the sentence. This call is to develop among people with potential, in the expectations leaders.EPSRC EPSRC International Fellows in the production;
Management PhD Research must have a major impact on manufacturing, through the translation of world-class science and technology.
Ability to change the culture within universities in the transfer of best practices in the industry to universities.
Management PhD Candidates will be to develop future leaders in science.
Application deadline: 1 September 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
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