The objective of the IARC Management PhD is to promote international collaboration in cancer research. The Agency is inter-disciplinary, bringing together skills in epidemiology, laboratory sciences and biostatistics to identify the causes of cancer so that preventive measures may be adopted and the burden of disease and associated suffering reduced. A Management PhD significant feature of the IARC is its expertise in coordinating research across countries and organizations; its independent role as an international organization facilitates this activity. The Agency Management PhD has a particular interest in conducting research in low and middle-income countries through partnerships and collaborations with researchers in these regions.
Management PhD applications for a training fellowship in 2011-2012 are invited from postdoctoral scientists who are Australian nationals1, who intend to pursue a career in cancer research and wish to complete their training in those aspects of cancer research related to the Agency’s mission and of priority for the Cancer Council Australia: to coordinate and conduct both epidemiological and laboratory research into the causes and prevention of cancer. Disciplines covered are: epidemiology (including genetic and molecular), biostatistics, bioinformatics, and areas related to mechanisms of carcinogenesis including molecular and cell biology, molecular genetics, epigenetics, and molecular pathology. There is an emphasis on interdisciplinary projects.
Fellowship Programme
150 cours Albert-Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France
Tel: +33 (0)472 73 84 48; Fax: +33 (0)472 73 80 80; E-mail: fel@iarc.fr
Last Date To Apply: 30.11.2011
Source: http://www.iarc.fr