and data assimilation
The TR32 is a center for interdisciplinary research collaboration
including the universities of Aachen, Bonn, Cologne and research
Jülich (Germany). The TR32 includes a wide range of natural resources
scientific disciplines and manages the grounds of the state variables and
Flows of mass and energy in soil-vegetation-atmosphere coupled
Systems because of the exchange processes and complex interactions. We
Now announces a series of positions as a research assistant in graduate and postgraduate education research associate doctorate.
PhD students will be part of the newly established TR32 Graduate
-Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Soil Water Processes
1 PhD's position
-Characterizing spatio-temporal patterns of water and C-fluxes at
1 PhD's position
-The role of soil heterogeneity on field scale evapotranspiration:
3D integrative modelling and upscaling of root water uptake.
2 PhD's positions
-Soil moisture content estimation by inverting surface and borehole ground penetrating radar data
1 PhD's position
-Spatio-temporal variability of catchment properties and their
effect on water, solute, and CO2 fluxes from the micro- to the
2 PhD's positions
-Scale consistent two-way coupling of land-surface and atmospheric
1 PhD's position
-CO2 and water flux estimation by four-dimensional variational
assimilation of in situ and remote sensing data
2 PhD's positions
-Development and maintenance of two-way coupled
Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere System
2 Postdoctoral research positions
Every PhD's graduate research assistantship is for a 3,5 years period
and is remunerated with a 75%-TV-L E13 Position.
The postdoctoral positions are also for a duration of 3,5 years and we
offer an experience commensurate salary.
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the
positions have been filled.
For more information, you are kindly invited to visit our website
Application Deadline : 31 May 2011
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